

This is a Christian website.  All people are welcome here to look and to learn about Christianity.  We gladly look forward to educate Judaists, Muslims, Mormon, Jehovah's, Hindu, Buddhists, Scientology, Catholic, Prosperity, Advent, pagan, secular, atheists, mockers, Zodiac, etc to learn about Christianity.



Copyrighted Material

This website and all of its material is written by an author and all of its content is copyrighted.  You must not plagiarize; you are given permission to quote any material but you must not claim it as your own and you must acknowledge that you got it from notgnashing.com.



Keep an Open Mind

Christians are the only people who are qualified to teach Christianity.  Christianity can only be taught by Christians, however many non-Christians try to teach Christianity; many of you were taught by non-Christians, therefore you have been taught incorrectly.  Think about it, if you want to learn Biology then you seek a Biology teacher, not an Art History teacher.  Christianity is a magnet for false teachers.  Think about it, how many Buddhists or Muslims or Mormons teach Hindu?  None, but how many secularists teach about Christianity?  Many, many, Too Many!  People do not want to hear that they were lied to, that they were taught Christianity by pretenders and schemers; keep an open mind and listen to the truth.



God's Word is the Bible

God's Word is the Bible, it is complete, there are no missing books, alternate books, new prophets, etc.  God's Word is the Truth, the rest of the "religions" are nothing more than false, pagan religions that are cultural, subjective social clubs.  These are not "also" or "other" truths or alternative truths; there is only one truth, the rest are lies and deception.  Two plus two is four, there are not alternate truths; two plus two is not also 9, 12 and 74.1818.  This example shows that multiple truths are very ridiculous.  Do you believe in multiple truths?  Of course not!  We do however believe in multiple choices, multiple opinions, multiple preferences, diversity, inclusiveness, multiple social clubs and multiple cultures.  We value and respect other people and their choices, their cultures, but we cannot hold these as equal, alternate truths to God's Word.  These other religions contradict God's Word just like 2 + 2 equals 88 contradicts the truth.



God's Word must be taught as the only Truth

The first trick that the secular mockers try is to raise the false religions up to the level of God's Bible by claiming that they are also truths, but once we point out that 2+2 equals 100, then we see that this is ridiculous.   Once this fails, then the second trick of secularism is to lower God's Word to be equal to "just another opinion" among many religious opinions; none of which are greater or less than any other opinion.  The secularists are crafty and resourceful, but this argument is just as weak and senseless.  The Bible, its history, its facts, its eye witnesses, its pedigree and its authenticity has been proven over and over again; no one has attacked any writing more and yet ironically each time they just prove that it is what it says that it is: it is God's Word, proven truths. 



Take a Stand against Secularism

We must take a stand against secularism and we must insist that the Bible be taught as God's truthful Word in the schools and colleges, in the military and in the government, just like math, science, English and history are taught as truthful topics.  We can also teach the other religions as culture, opinions, mythology, paganism, but not as God's Truth.  We respect other people’s cultures as opinions, but not as God's Truth.  We respect diversity and inclusiveness, but culture is simply preferences, not equal to God's Word.



Only the Christians Believe in the Bible

All other religions reject the Bible in part or in whole; only the Christians believe in the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation.



Only the Christians Believe in God

The false religions believe in false prophets and in false books.  Only the Christians believe that God's Word is complete in the Bible.  Only the Christians believe in the Bible's description of: Creation, Sin, the Flood,  the Covenant, Exodus, the Law, the Promised Land, Judges, Miracles, Prophets, Jesus as the Messiah, the Savior, the Christ, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection, the Ascension, the Disciples, and the spreading of the first Churches throughout the world.  A hallmark of the rest of the religions is that they ALL reject one or more of the above, whereas only the Christians believe in ALL of the above.



False Prophets

The hallmark of the false religions is their false prophets and false teachings.  Since we have already established that God's Word is the Bible; then it logically follows that if anyone is against the portions and pieces of the Bible, then they are a false prophet teaching false doctrine.



Just Like a Mercedes

The hallmark of many of the false religions is that they say that they are "Just like the Christians".  They even have a Bible and they open it and read it to persuade gullible people.  But the reality is that they do not believe the Bible, they just want to use the Bible, as segue, to gain the confidence of their victims.  Once their victims have their guards down, then they start to show their true beliefs.  Once they describe their true beliefs then we can see that they are liars and that they have their own doctrine that contradicts the Bible.



Are You a Victim?

Were you targeted by one of the false religions?  Did they trick you, did they change their story; did they contradict themselves?  Did they lure you in with the Bible then disagree with it later?  Did they start out with the Bible then introduce false books from false prophets?



Did you read the Bible for yourself?

Another hallmark of the pagan religions, that pretend to be just-like-the-christians, is that they bully and peer pressure their victims to NOT read the Bible!  Can you believe it?!  God's Word is the Bible for us to know Him, but He doesn't want us to read it?!  If you want to know God then read His Word.  After you have read the Bible then you will be able to recognize those who are teaching falsely or those who are teaching correctly. 


Many people are weak and lazy, they don't want to read the Bible for themselves, instead they find the first person who carries a Bible and is willing to talk about it.  These people are ill equipped to distinguish between the false teachers and true teachers.  IF YOU DON'T KNOW GOD'S WORD THEN HOW WILL YOU KNOW IF THEY ARE LYING TO YOU OR NOT?!  You can't judge them from their outside appearance, non christians who are dedicated to plying their trade will look and sound just like the real Christians; it takes a trained ear to tell them apart.



Don't Give Up!

God did not give up on you!  Even though you were lied to and were mislead and joined the false religions and read the false books and believed in their false prophets, God is personally waiting for you and he is actively encouraging you to come back to Him.  The false christians lied to you and said that God gave up on you, they said that your sins are too many and you are in too deep to get out.  These are all lies!  There are many examples in the Bible where God waited for and encouraged his people: all of the stories of the book of Judges, most of the Books of Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, all of the minor prophets (the last 10 Books of the Old Testament), Jonah, the parable of the Prodigal Son and Saul/Paul to name a few.



Where do I go from Here?

Now that you know that there is only one Truth about God, go and read the Bible for yourself.  Find out why you were bullied to keep you from reading the Bible.  What did they want to hide from you?  The irony is that the very people that you trusted to teach you about God are the very people who lied to you about God.  They don't want you to know that you have sins, forgiveness and salvation.  The Bible is Good News, Enjoy!  Learn that God is and has been patiently waiting for you to find Him.  The liars told you that God gave up on you and that you are not worthy of salvation; this is NOT what the Bible says!  The Bible says that God is patient and that He waits for us and he will eagerly forgive ALL of our sins when we sincerely believe in Him and His Word and ask Him.

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12/2023:  Updated: "Israel", added Palestine, West Bank, Sharia Islam, Gaza, Hamas, Golon Heights

12/2023:  Added the role of the Pastor to: Church Guidance

04/2023:  Added Kiwi Evolution Page to Sarcastic

02/2023:  Added "One Less God" to the "Articles - Dec" page

01/2023:  Added Poetry page: Reindeer don't Fly to Sarcastic

08/2019:  Added the page: Knowledge Check

03/2019:  Added the page: Bible Timeline

12/2018:  Added the page: Movie Critiques

11/2018:  Added the page: Big Bang, Fake Science

10/2018:  Deleted the Survey.

09/2018:  Last comment added (or updated) see below from EnosMoroni.




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To NotGnashing From JustBeGood: You Christians are so judgmental; you think that you are the only ones who go to heaven, shame on you all for excluding so many deserving people who don't want to join your group, who are happy in their various religions; this isn't what God wants!  He wants you to accept people, not reject them; you all are going to hell with the other hypocrites!


Reply from NotGnashing To JustBeGood, thanks for being honest and blunt.  There are a few problems and contradictions in your thinking though.  You don't know what Christianity is.  It isn't a group to join.  God showed Himself through the stories in the Bible; the stories of the prophets and miracles, the interaction with Noah and the Flood, Moses and the Exodus, the story of the Covenant with Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob (Israel).  The stories of Israelite kings and judges (more prophets); telling us about sins, forgiveness and salvation; sending Jesus; Jesus and the Disciples; the stories of the Angels; the Betrayal, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection and the Ascension.  The only people who believe ALL of this are the Christians.  


You can't pick and choose what you believe and what you reject from God's Word.  God said that ALL of the Bible is His Word to know Him.  You are either all in or all out; there is no partial credit; there are no passing grades and there is no Bell Curve; it is pass or fail only; either you scored 100 or you scored 0.  When people reject portions of God's Word, they are saying, "God is wrong about this point, my way of thinking is better than God's way."  When people reject portions and pieces of God's Word do you think that they still believe in God?  I hope you answered, "No!"  People either believe in a god-like being or they believe in and accept the God of the Bible 100%.  All of the people who reject portions and pieces of God's Word join splinter religions that seem to be "about God" or God-like or God-lite, with new alternative prophets and new alternative books.


All other religions reject one or more portions of the Bible; this is why they are false religions pretending to be about God.   See if you can identify some of the mainstream false "religions", false prophets and false books below, by the items that they reject.  Some religions don't believe in the Virgin birth, others reject the Covenant with Abraham, others reject Creation, others reject the flood, others reject the miracles, others reject the prophets, others reject Jesus and the Disciples, others reject the Crucifixion, others reject the Resurrection others reject the Ascension, others reject that they have sins, others reject that they need forgiveness, others reject that there is a Hell, others reject that salvation/Heaven is for the forgiven only.


The only people who believe in ALL of God's Word are the Christians therefore it makes sense that the only ones who believe in God are the Christians.  Christianity isn't a group to join in search of a god; a Christian is something that you BECOME when you accept that only the Bible is God's Complete Word to know Him, that you have sins, that your sins need to be forgiven by God and Jesus, and you personally ask God and Jesus for your forgiveness.


Perhaps someone taught you Christianity in the past, but if they left out these important facts, then you were lied to by someone with false credentials.  Many pagans, atheists and secularists have invaded teaching institutions with seemingly appropriate titles like Biblical studies, Hebrew studies, Old Testament studies, Theology, Divinity, etc.  Don't trust the fancy titles, roles, positions and credentials; instead just ask one question after listening to them, "Did they reject ANY portion, piece or point of God's Word, the Bible or did they add a new prophet or did they add a new book?"  If the answer is “Yes”; then a pagan is trying to teach you Christianity.  If you want to know Christianity, then the ONLY ones qualified to teach Christianity are Christians.  To know Biology would you go to an Algebra teacher or would you ask a Biology teacher?






To NotGnashing From ShemAbraham: At our Synagogue we must never speak, type or write the words J*sus or Chr*st*n; they are a blasphemy to God and He would strike us dead.  It pains me to see your website; you must be a gentile dog copying our Bible and our God, starting a new religion, claiming it as yours then asking us to join.  What is our motivation to join, for a Jew to spend eternity in Heaven with a Gentile!?  You may as well ask us to sleep with pigs!  We don't need your "new" Bible; we have the Pentateuch, Torah, apocrypha, the writings of Flavius Josephus, Talmud, Hebrew Bible, Greek Septuagint and Dead Sea Scrolls. 


We have Tradition! Tradition! Tradition!  We have artifacts, scrolls, robes, gowns, hats, tassels, shawls, dressed stones from the Temple era, writing’s from the prophets, Judges, David and Solomon.  We have our traditional, historic and cultural music, art and food.  You can only desecrate these!  We have the Hebrew language and Aramaic too; you should never try to learn these; these have no meaning for you.  We have the experts: scholars, High Priests, Pharisees, Chief Priests, Sanhedrin Elders, Levites, scribes, Rabbi's, Hasid's and Sadducees.  What do you have: any old Joe who picks up the Bible and starts reading it?!  No Tradition whatsoever!  No experts whatsoever!


If that weren't enough, J*sus started the Chr*st*ans who started the Crus*des; the Genocide of the Jews!


Reply from NotGnashing to ShemAbraham: Just because you feel strongly about something, it doesn't make you right.  You are factually wrong about almost every point that you made.  Sternly stating that 2+2 is 9 doesn't make it true.   You had your turn, now it is my turn. 


Point 1: You state that Jesus and Christianity are a blasphemy to God; how ironic!  The God that you pretend to believe in, said to YOUR Israelite prophets, in YOUR Hebrew Bible, in YOUR Greek Septuagint, in YOUR Dead Sea Scrolls, in YOUR Greek New Testament (written by Israelite Disciples), that God will be sending the Israelites His Messiah, the Savior, the Christ; he will be born of the one and only Virgin Birth, born in Bethlehem, from Nazareth and his name will be Yeshua (Hebrew), Jesus (English).  He will offer His people forgiveness of their sins; many will accept forgiveness but many of His people will reject him because they hate God and His prophets.  God told him to also offer forgiveness to the Gentiles; many Gentiles eagerly accept Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins.  The Sanhedrin leaders will betray him, accuse him, hold an unjust trial, have him flogged and crucified.   He will arise on the third day and resurrect and will be seen by 500 people over a 40 day period and then will ascend to God's right hand.  You are saying that God Blasphemed Himself!  Clearly you stupefyingly lost this point.  The score is 1 - 0 with me winning.


Point #2: You claim that the Christians are gentile dogs.  Jew means Israelite and gentile means all others (Russian, Asian, Indian, North and South America, European, African, Arab, etc.)  To call all other races dogs you are a blatant bigot, arrogant, ignorant, racist; a superior race just like the German Aryan Nazi's who committed Genocide on you.   Only one of the other races considers you as dogs, funny how you consider ALL of them as inferior.  The God that you claim to believe in says that we are all created in His image, none of us are better or worse than any other, we are equal; you contradict your own God.  Looks pretty ignorant when you see the rebuttal; I would say that you lost this point too.  Score: me winning 2-0.


Point #3: You said that we (the Christians) copied your Bible and your God, started a new religion (Christianity), and then asked you to join.  I must admit, you are exactly RIGHT!  But you say it in a sinister, condescending, conspiracy way.  The Christian Bible is IN FACT YOUR Bible.  Your Hebrew Bible is written in your language for you to understand; that makes sense, people should understand books in their own language.  Not surprisingly the Hebrew Bible was converted into many languages: German for the Germans, Russian for the Russians, Latin for the Latino's, English, etc.  Yes, the Christians copied your Bible, the Old Testament (Genesis to Malachi) and the New Testament (Matthew to Revelation).  We didn't COPY your God; our God IS your God: God the Creator, God of Noah, God of the Covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel), God of Moses and the Exodus, God of Israel, God of David and Solomon, God of sins, forgiveness and salvation, God of Jesus and the Disciples, God of the Crucifixion, God of the Resurrection, God of the Ascension.  We believe in the God that you reject.  Score 3-0.


Point #4: You said, "What is our motivation to join, for a Jew to spend eternity in Heaven with a Gentile!?  You may as well ask us to sleep with pigs!"  Answer: you racist, see Point #2 above.  Score 4-0.


Point #5: You said, "We don't need your "new" Bible; we have the Pentateuch, Torah, Apocrypha, The writings of Flavius Josephus, Talmud, Hebrew Bible, Greek Septuagint and Dead Sea Scrolls.  Answer: see Point #1 above.  Score 5-0.


(Still more to come on this....)






To NotGnashing From EnosMoroni: Hello Brother, I too am a believer in Jesus Christ and in the Bible, we are fellow Christians too.  He was a wonderful teacher and guide that historically stood the test of time.  We should be like him too.  We are guides on earth who should be more like him.  Over our lifetimes we ascend the more we teach and learn.  Some day we will eventually rise to our appointed position.  The problem is that the Bible is old and we need a Book for today, something more modern.  The Bible is filled with errors, lies, half truths, omissions and opinions.  In the 1830's Joseph Smith found the REAL interpretation of God's Word.


The spirit of Moroni contacted Joseph and told him where to find gold platters containing Lehi’s word (this would later be known as Mormonism), which was preserved over 1400 years.  Joseph found the plates but the plates were written in an Egyptian language that he could not interpret.  Joseph used seer stones and a spirit transcribed the plates for him; Joseph wrote the Book of Mormon from these spirit sessions.


Since we have these writings we can compare them against the Bible and see that the Bible hid the truths of Lehi’s word from us; we now know through the Book of Mormon that WE ascend to become our own Gods.  We do not ascend to Heaven to become human neighbors to a single God.  As our own Gods we do not need the God of the Bible; we do it ourselves with no help from Him.  We become God's of our own planets where humans will be our subjects.  


Humans who reject the Book of Mormon, when they die, will not go to hell, instead they will reincarnate as humans onto one of these planets where their god is a Mormon god.  They will live their lives and if they become believers then they will become gods, otherwise they will reincarnate over and over again.


Also important to Mormonism is Brigham Young, who was a major prophet, he went to Utah to start his teachings and to start a community of Believers there.  He was the second president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS, Mormons) from 1847 until his death in 1877. 


Also important to the belief of Mormonism is that thousands of years PRIOR to Joseph Smith's discovery, Mormons immigrated to North America, built a vast number of cities and taught the North American Indians. 


Many mockers and slanderers ask, "Well, where are these vast North American cities now (or historical evidence of them)?" Some will ask, "How could someone lose those all important seer stones and gold platters!!??"  Also some ask, "Why did it take Joseph Smith to write the Book of Mormon thousands of years later; why didn't the original Mormons write the Book of Mormon?"  Further they ask, "Why don't the North American Indians have writings, stories and traditions of thousands of years of pre-Mormonism being taught them?"  Don't be tricked by the crafty lies of the liars!  There is NOT only ONE God, but instead there are tens of thousands times tens of thousands of Gods; we become them!


Reply from NotGnashing to EnosMoroni:  Thanks sharing your opinions; now let me share mine.  Let me re-cap what you said, "I am a Christian too.....however I don't believe in God, the Bible or Jesus; these are all lies and I instead believe in Joseph Smith and his seer stone."  Let me respond with saying, "I too am a fellow Mormon who believes in Joseph Smith and his seer stone......however I don't believe in Mormonism and I instead believe in God, the Bible, the prophets, the miracles, the angels, the fallen angels (the devil, Satan, and hell are real), Jesus, the Disciples, the Old Testament and the New Testament; that we have sins and that the sins need forgiveness by God in order to have salvation with God the Trinity (God the Father, The Holy Spirit and Jesus the Son).  


You left out many key points of Mormonism that our readers would like to know about.  Point #1.  The first obvious point, which I mentioned above using sarcasm, is that teachers of Mormonism ALWAYS say that they are Christian too, then they ALWAYS contradict themselves a couple of sentences later by saying that all of Christianity is wrong, all denominations, the Bible is wrong and that Mormonism is the only correct version of Christianity.


Just call Christian, Christian and Mormon, Mormon; why try to say that Christian doesn’t exist and Mormon is the only Christian?  Clearly Mormon is Not any form of Christian and Christian is not any form of Mormon.  This is like saying Democrats are the only True Republicans and all Republicans are wrong and the only true form of Republican is a Democrat.


This method is just a cheap “bait and switch” trick commonly used in advertising and marketing of snake oils of the 1700’s and 1800’s.  Actually ALL other religions that are not Christian can use this same argument.  Here is how it goes: “Hello, I am a Muslim we are Christians too, except that the Bible is wrong and the Koran is the only correct Bible.”  I am Jehovah’s Witness, we are Christian too, except that the Bible is wrong and the Watchtower is the only correct Bible.  I am Hindu, we are fellow Christians too, except that the Bible is wrong and the writings of Gandhi and Hinduism are the only correct versions of the Bible. 


Kind of interesting that all of the other religions COULD have used this trick, but only the Mormons did, why is that?  How ridiculous would it be if the Christians used it too saying, “We are fellow Muslims too, however the Koran is wrong and the Bible is the only correct version of the Koran!”  Apparently this trick worked because there are many Mormons throughout the world, and not one of them questioned this trick, why is that?  EnosMoroni, why is it that you never even considered this point?  What do you think about it now?


Answer from EnosMoroni:  Blah, blah, blah; that’s all it is, just words; I don’t get your point.  All they told me is that the Bible is wrong and the Book of Mormon is right.


Let’s continue on with more key points of Mormonism.  I learned about Mormonism in the Book “Cult Watch” by John Ankerberg and John Weldon; Harvest House Publishers, copyright 1991.  I also have general knowledge of Mormonism by talking to them and talking to people who talked to them; I also have the Book of Mormon, for reference.  Mormonism also includes the writings: “Book of Commandments” (which was heavily revised (why does their god’s word need to be revised and edited and changed so much?) and reissued as “Doctrine and Covenants)” and “The Pearl of Great Price” (which is plagiarized from the “Book of Abraham” from “Book of Breathings” from the “Book of the Dead” from Egyptian occult writings about journeys of the soul after death.  In 1826 Joseph Smith was arrested, tried and found guilty of the occult practice of fortune telling in Bainbridge, NY, by using a Jupiter Talisman – an amulet, peep stones and seer stones to charge people for the promise of wealth, lost property and buried treasure.


Mormon teaching’s state that in the year 600 BC it all began with a person called Lehi of Jerusalem the Semite from Israel.  Lehi and his followers left Israel and went to South America to start teaching Lehi-ism; the word “Mormonism” would not show up for another 2400 years until the 1830’s with Joseph Smith.  Lehi had two sons Nephi and Laman.  The two tribes grew and migrated north.  The Nephi are known as following the teachings of Lehi and the Lamanites are known for rejecting the teachings of Lehi.  The two groups grew over time and kept migrating north until they eventually settled in North America.


Point #2.  The Mormons claim that Jesus came to North America to teach the Laman-ites (the unbelievers) about Lehi-ism.  You might be wondering what I wondered, “If the Lehi-ites left Israel is 600 BC, and Jesus left Israel in 27AD, then who taught Jesus Lehi-ism during the missing 627 years?”  EnosMoroni, why is it that you never even considered this point?  What do you think about it now?


Answer from EnosMoroni:  Just more fancy complaints; I still don’t get your point.  All they told me is that the Book of Mormon is older than the Bible, therefore it is more authentic.  By the way, we are not able to confirm or deny the alleged arrest or the plagiarizing as this would be a vote against our godhood promotion and we would be labeled unbelievers thereby casting us into reincarnation on to another planet and starting all over again as new believers in hope of attaining godhood.


Point #3.  When the Mormons refer to Jesus we assume that they are talking about the Biblical Jesus but remember that the Mormons claim that the Bible is all wrong about Jesus: he was not the Son of God, not the Messiah, not the Christ, not the Savior, did no miracles, he was not crucified, did not resurrect and did not ascend.  When the Mormons mention Jesus they are referring to the Mormon Jesus, Not the Biblical Jesus.  The Mormon Jesus was just a regular human following the teachings of Lehi-ism, striving to be elevated to one be of the tens of thousands of Mormon gods.  Of course they argue this and say, “Yes the Biblical Jesus…but the Bible is all wrong…”  You tell me, when they say “Jesus” are they referring to the Biblical Jesus or the Mormon Jesus?  EnosMoroni, why is it that you never even considered this point?  What do you think about it now?


Answer from EnosMoroni:  Who are Lehi, Laman and Nephi; I never heard of them?  I don’t get your point.  All they told me is that the Jesus of the Bible is the Jesus of the Book of Mormon, except that he was just a regular human, not the Biblical God’s Son.


Point #4.  They claim that from the Mormon Jesus’ teachings the Lamanite’s converted for a period of time but eventually they rejected Lehi-ism.  As a curse from this unbelief, by the so-called Mormon god, the Mormon god punished some of them and made black skinned “African” people while other Lamanite’s were punished to become red skinned “Indians”. This is how they explain African Americans and North American Indians originating in North America. Now you can see why Mormonism appeals to racists against African Americans and North American Indians.  The God of the Bible does not punish people for their unbelief, he gives them time to change their minds and to accept him but they have to do this before they die.  The Mormon “God” punishes people for their unbelief, besides why is being black skinned or red skinned “punishment”?  EnosMoroni, why is it that you never even considered this point?  What do you think about it now?


Answer from EnosMoroni:  More confusing comparisons; I don’t get your point.  All they told me is that the Mormon god punished the unbelievers; it is not my fault that they turned out black and red.


Next, there was great animosity between the two groups and they declared war on each other.  In the year 421 AD, the Laman-ites (unbelievers) won and extinguished the Neph-ites (believers in Lehi-ism).


They claim that before the Nephites were extinguished, during the war years, the person Mormon of the Nephites wrote down the teachings of Lehi.  Mormon used a form of the Egyptian language to write the teachings of Lehi onto gold plates to preserve for future generations.  He kept the gold plates hidden and safeguarded.  He passed the plates onto his son Moroni.  Moroni kept the plates hidden; he eventually died.  The plates were hidden for 1400 years until Joseph Smith discovered them. In the 1830’s, Joseph claims that the spirit of Moroni told him where to look for the plates. Joseph could not read the Egyptian language and found “seer stones” which could interpret the writings for him.  Joseph converted all of the writings into English into the “Book of Mormon” which is a misnomer; the book should be called “The Book of Lehi”.


Point #5:  When questioned about the authenticity of the seer stones and the gold plates, Joseph could not produce them; he said that they were lost, so the time gap from 600BC to 1830 is 2430 years.  From a textual criticism point of view this scores about a 2 on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 100 (highest).  Textual criticism is a term used to evaluate the probability that a text is provable (that the claimed authors wrote it).  The most important factor in textual criticism is the time from when the teachings started (600 BC) to when the teachings were documented.  In Mormonism’s case, it started in 600BC yet the document started in 1830.  This 2400 year gap says that the document is un-provable and is only about 2% believable.  By comparison, remember that in school, a grade of “D” is 60%.   Imagine scoring a 2 on a test, lab or homework assignment.


By comparison let’s use textual criticism with the Bible, perhaps 2% is a good score.  Moses claims to have written the first five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy).  These first five books are the starting point of the Bible and are also called the Books of the Law or Pentateuch.  These first five are the start of the Old Testament of the Hebrew Bible, the Greek Septuagint, the Disciple Septuagint, the Old Testament of the Christian Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls.  Moses wrote these books during his lifetime so there is no gap from when they started to when the author wrote them.  In Moses’ case he scored a 100%; the claimed author is witnessed to have recorded it and lived the stories with the witnesses; it historically happened and is historically provable.  There are 66 books of the Bible and all of its authors have been proven to have written their books.  EnosMoroni, why is it that you never even considered this point?  What do you think about it now?


Answer from EnosMoroni:  I don’t get your point; you say that the Bible is correct and we say that the B.O.M. is correct; we are both correct.  They told me that two percent is a very impressive number, for example 2% of the world’s population is a big number, we hope to grow to 60% some day; 60% is also a very impressive number too.


Next, Joseph claims that 1800 years after Jesus and the Disciples died, their spirits visited him over 130 times in dreams and they supported the Book of Mormon and gave him additional writings. 


Point #6.  Mormons try to imply that the Biblical Jesus and Disciples authenticate Joseph Smith’s story, but remember Mormonism claims that the Bible is all wrong about Jesus and the Disciples, so why use unknown people to try to prove Mormonism?  It doesn’t make sense to do this.  Let’s put the shoe on the other foot; let’s give this logic a try with Islam’s Mohammed.  What if the Christians said that Mohammed stated that Jesus is the Son of God, however when I say Mohammed, I don’t mean the prophet of the Koran, instead I mean the guy who lives down the street from me.  Wouldn’t this be ridiculous?  So I would be saying that proof that the Koran is authentic is because a guy who lives down the street, who has the same name as Mohammed, says so.


This is what the Mormons are doing.  This is a bait and switch technique.  So what they are really saying is that the Mormon Jesus and Mormon Disciples authenticate the Mormon story; this makes sense since they do not exist.  EnosMoroni, why is it that you never even considered this point?  What do you think about it now?


Answer from EnosMoroni:  More confusing arguments, when will it stop?  I don’t get your point; are you saying that we can’t use words that can be found elsewhere?  Isn’t that what the dictionary is for, to use words?  They told us that we can keep all of the names and terms but that we can change all of the meanings; made sense to us.  They told us it is like mathematics: X + Y = 100.  X doesn’t always want to be 20 and Y doesn’t always want to be 80, sometimes X wants to be 27.4 and Y wants to be 72.6 or any variation thereof.  Jesus was a carpenter or a plumber or a disciple or a mason or an angel or the devil or a bricklayer or a union worker or a Hindu or an airline pilot or a taxi driver, it doesn’t really matter to us. The disciples were Muslim, or Catholic or Hindu or Scientologists; it doesn’t matter to us.  Sins are crimes, or sins are good or sins are bad, we don’t really know or care.  Who can keep track of what these are supposed to mean?  Keep it simple.


Next, Joseph gathered three witnesses: Cowderly, Whitmer and Harris; they attest that Joseph told them all of these things and furthermore showed them the gold platters.  They say that they saw the gold platters and the engravings on them.  They also attest that an angel of the Mormon god also showed them the plates with the engravings. They also swear that the voice of the Mormon god told them that he translated the plates.  Also the voice of the Mormon god told them to bear record of these happenings.


Point # 7.  Joseph and these three witnesses are trying to use their spiritual experiences to tell us that the Book of Mormon was correctly translated from God. But the problem is that they don’t believe in the Biblical God, instead they believe in the Mormon god.  Therefore the voice that they heard is that of the Mormon god, not the Biblical God.  They all said, “The voice of the (Mormon) god told them that he (the god) translated the Book of Mormon from the gold platters via Joseph’s use of the seer stone.”  Did you catch the problem EnosMoroni?  The problem is that the Mormon god authenticated Joseph’s Book of Mormon, not the Biblical God.  This can be said of all of the major religions: Mohammed attests to his god Allah; Gandhi attests to Hinduism; Monks attest to Buddha; Jehovah’s Witness attest to Michael the archangel; Judaism and Seventh Day Advents attest to the interpretations of the scrolls, Torah, Talmud, Apocrypha and Flavius Josephus; Scientology attest to the teaching of David Miscavige and L. Ron Hubbard; Prosperity attest to Joel Osteen; Christians attest to God’s Bible.


The problem is that, in this representation, there are nine different gods; there can only be One, True, Authentic God of All.  So what happened?  Did that one God tell one truthful story then make up eight lies to start eight other religions that competed and contradicted Him?  Or did that One God tell One Truth?  Then eight lying spirits lied to eight false prophets who started eight false religions?  EnosMoroni, why is it that you never even considered this point?  What do you think about it now?


Answer from EnosMoroni:  I don’t get your point.  They told us that whether there is one god who started all of the different religions or whether each religion has its own god doesn’t really matter.  What matters is that Joseph Smith’s Book of Mormon is the only correct Christian interpretation of god’s word.  Why get wrapped around the axles trying to figure out puzzles and paradoxes?  Just keep it simple like two kinds of coffee, regular or decaf.


Next, Joseph has an additional eight witnesses: Christian, Jacob, Peter and John Whitmer, Joseph, Hyrum and Samuel Smith and Hiram Page; these witnesses simply attest that Smith showed them plates with engravings that he said were used for the interpretations.


Point #8.  This does Not Prove that Joseph showed the engraved plates that were used by the seer stone; it just Proves that Joseph told his eight witnesses that these were the plates.  Proof that a person is telling the truth is Not determined simply by repeating a story to eight people; these eight people cannot Prove that they were told the Truth, they can only confirm that they were told the same Story.  EnosMoroni, why is it that you never even considered this point?  What do you think about it now?


Answer from EnosMoroni:  I don’t get your point; eight is a good number, my parents had 8 kids, four boys and four girls.  They told us that eight witnesses affirm that Joseph showed them gold plates with Egyptian looking writings on them; what else would it be, an Egyptian cook book on how to brew ancient beer?  They said it was the B.O.M., it was the B.O.M.; keep it simple.


This is what Mormons believe: they start out as humans who were born of a Mormon god.  The Mormon god has physical sex with human female.  The child is a spirit child without a human body.  At some time or event (it isn’t clear how) the spirit child inhabits a human body.  Now the Mormon person grows and lives in society and they eventually learn about Mormonism.  The person has a choice to accept or reject Mormonism.  Those who accept become believers; those who reject it become unbelievers.  The believers go throughout their lives doing good works (being nice, being helpful, being encouraging, volunteering, making donations, etc.)  There are many other criteria too, many rules like not ever drinking any caffeine in addition to being a believer and doing more good things than you have done bad deeds. 


Eventually you die and you go before Joseph Smith and you are judged.  Were you a believer, did you break any of the caffeine or other rules and did you do more good than bad? If the answer is yes then you are promoted to godhood; you are sent to a planet out in the universe somewhere to be god over the humans that are sent your way.  All believers become gods; all believers are separated by the expanse of the universe; no two gods on the same planet.  Unbelievers, when they die, reincarnate and are sent to one of the planets to be ruled over by their Mormon god.  The reincarnated unbelievers live their lives on the new planet and are given a new chance to accept or reject Mormonism and the cycle continues.


Ok, let’s think this through.  Let’s see if this story is rational and logical or not.  If it is irrational then it is a lie.  The “God” that we think of today, under Mormon thinking, used to be a human on a different planet.  He accepted Mormonism and did good deeds.  He lived a long life and eventually died.  He was judged by the Mormon god of his planet and he was granted godhood.  He then was assigned to Earth, and is now the Mormon god of Earth.  The Mormon god of Earth, had sex with a female human (Mary) and their child was Jesus.  Their second child was the Devil, Satan; Jesus’ brother.  Adam and Eve were their next children; Jesus’ other siblings.


Point #9.  What planet did the Mormon god of Earth come from and who was the god of that planet?  Do Mormons have records of these gods and planets going back to the first god?  Since humans are promoted to godhood by a Mormon god, then the first Mormon human could not have been promoted to godhood since there was no Mormon god to promote him.  This isn’t even the chicken or egg paradox; this is simply nonsense and is proven to be a lie. 


What planet did Mary come from? Since she came here in human form, then she must have been an unbeliever from a distant planet and reincarnated as a human to Earth, as punishment.  So the Mormon god of the Earth had offspring with a human reincarnated unbeliever… interesting.  So Jesus, Satan, Adam and Eve are all half Mormon god and half unbelieving reincarnated human….interesting.


Another problem is that Mary is now the oldest and first human to have ever lived on Earth and Jesus is the second oldest human to have ever lived on Earth.  This contradicts the Bible’s meticulous genealogy of Jesus and Mary.  This also puts Jesus Before all of the prophets who foretold that Jesus will come in the future as Israel’s Messiah, Christ, Savior and Son of God.


Next, the population of the Earth grew until 600 BC where Lehi the Semite leaves Jerusalem and goes to South America to teach Lehi-ism.  So where was the Mormon Jesus from 4000 BC to 600 BC?  From 600 BC, many people become Mormons over time and when they die they are granted godhood by the Mormon god of the Earth and are assigned to other planets.  Many more years go by and it is 1830 and Joseph Smith comes along with revelations about the Book of Mormon. 


Joseph eventually dies and is granted godhood by the Mormon god of the Earth, but instead of going to his own planet he stays here with the Mormon god of the Earth.  Joseph Smith is then elevated by other Mormon high ranking leaders (Joseph Fielding Smith (10th President of Mormons), Brigham Young, Joseph F. Smith (6th President of Mormons), Doctrine and Covenants 135:3, Orson Pratt) and is made the sole judge of all future Mormons.  Only Joseph Smith can now grant godhood.  How did this happen?  How did living Mormons who are not gods yet, grant a dead Joseph Smith who is now a new god, a godhood judge position over Earth Mormons rather than going to his own new planet to be god of that planet?  What happened to the Mormon god of the Earth?  How did humans outrank the Mormon god of the Earth?  How did humans outrank Joseph?  Maybe Joseph wanted to go to his own planet, not co-rule with the Mormon god of the Earth.  We all know that each god wants to be the only god of their planet, but now Earth has two because certain humans overruled two of their own gods.


So what happened to the Mormon god of the Earth, now he is replaced by someone who He promoted?  Did the Mormon god of the Earth get reassigned to the planet that Joseph was supposed to go to?  Which god stepped in to arbitrate this conflict, the god of Pluto?  Stay tuned, I guess we may find out someday.


Why didn’t Joseph go to his own planet to become a god? Why do we care about Joseph Smith anymore, shouldn’t we only care about the current Mormon god of the Earth?  Perhaps there is no one on Joseph’s planet yet, so in his spare time he is on the Board of Directors over his god, the god of the Earth.  Does anyone see a problem with this or is it just me?  EnosMoroni, why do Mormons ignore all of these contradictions?


Answer from EnosMoroni:  I have been a Mormon for over 21 years and no one ever asked so many questions.  You are a pesky gnat who causes problems.  I asked around and was told that Joseph is Not above the Mormon god of Earth, there is no longer a need for this!  Joseph Smith is over the God of the Bible; the God of the Bible is no longer any use to us, we don’t need him. We attain godhood from Joseph Smith, we become GODS!  If you prefer to be put into someone’s garden and get yelled at for eternity for eating the fruit of forbidden trees, that’s your problem!


As though 9 points are not enough to sway you to reject Mormonism as complete nonsense, wait until you read the next point.  Point #10.  Mormons are taught to pray to the spirits of dead people.  They pray to past Mormon leaders, family members, or to any other spirits who want to answer their questions.  This is clearly called the occult; praying to or contacting or interacting with the spirit world. 


By contrast Christians pray to God (God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit); we do not pray to Mary, Abraham, Moses, angels, disciples or the pope.  Our prayers are called spiritual, but not to the spirit world; there is a big difference.  Praying to the God of the Bible is spiritual; the occult is when people pray to spirits that are Not from or of God.   If a spirit is not from God, then it is opposite of God, it is of Satan and of the devil; this is what makes it occult worship.  Even if you pray to your dead Aunt Sally, this is an occult prayer because you cannot bypass God to pray to individuals.  There is no way of contacting your Aunt, you can only pray to God and ask God to say hello or sorry or thanks to Aunt Sally from you.  When Mormons contact the spirit world they are Not contacting Aunt Sally, they are in fact contacting a satanic spirit that is Pretending to be Aunt Sally.  EnosMoroni, do you now know the difference between praying to God and praying to the spirit world? 


Answer from EnosMoroni:  I have been a Mormon for over 21 years we regularly contact many spirits and they contact us; this has been going on for decades.  Now you are saying that it is bad to do.  We never contacted an evil spirit, they have always been who we called and they have been helpful and insightful.  If what you are saying is true then there could be no way for Moroni or the Disciples to have contacted Joseph Smith to give him any revelations.  Also the Jesus of the Bible would not have contradicted himself by saying that the B.O.M. is correct and the Bible is wrong about him.  Now I get it; these all must have been false spirits!


EnosMoroni, I am thankful that I have opened your eyes to the lies that you have been told over the decades.  During those decades, the Jesus of the Bible did Not give up on you; He has patiently waited for you to understand the truth about Him and to reject the lies of the false prophets, false gospels and the false spirits.  Get a Bible, start reading it and find a Christian Church near you that teaches that the Bible is God’s Word to learn about Him, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, sins, forgiveness and salvation, and start your healing journey.  Some day after your foundation is proper and built up you will be able to ask the Biblical Jesus to forgive your sins.  Jesus will say YES!  You are forgiven permanently; you are in the forgiven state.   You will become a Christian and no new sins will ever put you back to the un-forgiven state again. Your destination is salvation in heaven when you eventually die.  Until then you will live joyfully and gladly bear fruit by praying, reading the Bible, attending Church, making offerings and donations, volunteering at Church, leading or attending Bible studies, outreach, witnessing, short term missions, etc.


I gladly and eagerly anticipate your next few months; I can’t wait for us to Truly be Brothers under the same One and True God.  Please continue to write me and keep me up-to-date.



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